May 30, 2024

Times Now Digital, TN Lifestyle Desk

​Try These 10 Exercises For Instant Relief From Back Pain​

​Hamstring Stretch​

Heal your back pain by lying on the floor and bending your right leg. Pull your left leg. Stretch it as much as you can and hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat for better results.

Credit: Freepik

​Spinal Stretch​

This exercise not only cures back pain but also helps in stretching your muscles. Don’t forget to bend properly with your chin touching the ground and arms perpendicular to your head. Practice regularly for great results.

Credit: Freepik

​Knee to chest ​

This exercise is considered very important to cure back pain. Lie on the floor and bring your right leg to the chest. Hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat with left leg for visible results.

Credit: youtube

​Chair Rotation​

This exercise not only helps in healing the back pain but also eases your muscles. Sit sideways and your left side must touch the chair. Rotate your upper body and practice 3 sets on each side for better results.

Credit: Freepik

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​Psoas Stretch​

Psoas exercise is beneficial and helps in curing back pain. With the right leg forward and the left at the back, your arms must touch the ground. Hold the position and repeat with the other leg to relieve pain.

Credit: Freepik

​Cat-Camel Exercise​

This exercise is considered very beneficial for back pain. Your knees and palms must touch the floor. Sink your back, turn your face towards the sky. Repeat the sequence for better results.

Credit: Freepik

​Supine Bridge​

Lie on your back with your arms sideways. Bend your legs and lift your lower back, hold this position for 20 seconds and release gently to avoid any shock to your back. Repeat for improved results.

Credit: Freepik

​Double Leg Knee to chest​

This exercise not only helps in easing your back pain but releases your stress as well. Bend your legs and bring them to your chest, lock them with your hands and hold for a minute. Practice regularly for good results.

Credit: Freepik

​Standing Lumbar Extension​

For quick relief, stand straight, with hands placed on the waist and distance between the feet. Bend your back backwards and release slowly to prevent any muscle damage.

Credit: Freepik

​Cobra Stretch​

Referred to as ‘bhujangasana’ in yoga, this pose can help ease your back pain and repeating this exercise can give better results. Avoid overstretching and use support if needed.

Credit: Freepik

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Next: ​10 Must-Have Food Items During Pregnancy​

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