May 28, 2024

Times Now Digital, TNN Lifestyle Desk

​Try These 10 Easy Asanas For Migraine Relief​


For triggered stress and migraine, it is recommended to practice this exercise regularly for fair results. Stretch your legs and lower your body till your head touches your knees, curl your hands, and hold this position.

Credit: Freepik


This child pose is meant to release stress and anxiety. Sit on your knees and lower your body to the floor. Stretch your arms and hold this position for a few minutes. Regular practice can help improve blood circulation towards the head region.

Credit: Freepik

​Setu Bandhasana​

Also referred to as the ‘bridge pose’, this asana can not only calm your body, but you can feel the stress and anxiety reduced effectively. Practice this exercise regularly for better results.

Credit: Freepik


With numerous benefits, the asana makes your everyday movements seamless and reduces stress and anxiety. The forwarding bending pose can offer flexibility as well.

Credit: Freepik

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The lotus pose is considered as a religious meditation pose which helps soothe your mind and muscle movements. The asana enhances concentration and activates the muscles.

Credit: Freepik

​Janu Sirsasana​

This asana not only helps relieve headaches but also stimulates digestion and soothes menstrual discomfort. Practice this exercise regularly for great results.

Credit: Freepik

​Supta Virasasana​

This asana not only helps restore balance but also manages to relieve headaches. You can feel your headache toning down and your muscles easing up as you raise yourself back to the starting position.

Credit: Freepik


This calming asana can not only help to energise and reduce stress but is considered an effective exercise for migraine. Lie on your back with your hands sideways. Close your eyes and stay in this posture for a while. Focus on your breath and you can feel the difference.

Credit: Freepik

​Padangusthasana ​

By increasing blood flow to the brain, this exercise will offer instant relief from your headaches. Stand with distance between your feet and bend your waist slowly. Hold your toes and try to stay in the position for a while for better results.

Credit: fitsri Yoga


The cat pose stretches the neck and back which not only relieves stress and tension but also cures extreme headaches. With improved blood circulation levels, this pose must be practised every day for better results.

Credit: Freepik

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