Jun 19, 2024
Times Now Digital, TNN Lifestyle DeskFrom Weight management to improved digestion, Fennel Seeds can be an amazing option for weight loss. Here’s a compilation of 8 ways to incorporate fennel seeds for weight loss. Read to know more.
Credit: Freepik
Also known as saunf ka pani, it is a perfect option for weight loss. Add a few fennel seeds to your glass of water, soak it overnight and relish it early in the morning for improved results.
Credit: istock
By sprinkling the ground fennel powder over your dishes can enhance the taste profile of the delicacies. From weight management to an improved digestion process, fennel powder will provide a feeling of fullness after consuming it daily.
Credit: Freepik
Sprinkling fennel seeds on top of your refreshing salads not only contributes to providing a feeling of fullness but can also reduce untimely cravings as well.
Credit: Freepik
Fennel tea is among the best and most-effective beverages for weight loss. By adding a tablespoon of fennel seeds to the boiling water along with jaggery can be an absolute game changer for your body.
Credit: Freepik
By adding a pinch of fennel seeds to your hot veggie soups not only enhances the flavour of the delicacy but also helps in managing your weight as well.
Credit: Freepik
Chewing a few fennel seeds after meals can freshen up your breath and help you achieve your weight management goals as well.
Credit: Freepik
For individuals who cannot eat raw fennel, roast fennel seeds and tip in some mishri to it. This perfect mouth freshener can be an absolute agent for weight loss.
Credit: pinterest
For weight management, top your yoghurt with crushed fennel seeds which can not only provide a feeling of fullness but can satiate your cravings as well.
Credit: Freepik
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