How many of us take advantage of our microwave oven when it comes to reheating leftovers or quickly warming up a meal? It's fast, efficient, and convenient. But, through casual conversations in the kitchen or viral online postings, some of these myths have stuck-or perhaps better, taken root. One of the most common is that operating a microwave might increase the chances of getting cancer. Sound familiar? Let's debunk these myths and let your mind rest easy so that your microwave can continue serving you guilt-free meals!Perhaps one of the most lingering myths about microwaves is their supposed propensity to cause cancer because they emit radiation. This misconception arises from a fear of the word "radiation" itself. But all radiation is not created equal: microwaves use nonionizing radiation, and it is essentially not the same as nasty ionizing radiation-such as X-rays or gamma rays-and in that respect, it does not have nearly enough energy to knock electrons loose from atoms or break DNA, so it cannot cause cancer.Microwaves cook food by agitating the water molecules, causing those molecules to eventually produce heat. But whereas boil water cooking would take a pretty long time, microwaves can achieve it in a jiffy. Since regulatory agencies that include the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also did their homework on microwave safety, they have confirmed that microwaves are absolutely safe if you're going to use them the right way to reheat food. So don't worry – your microwave is not a secret health killer.Does Microwaving Kill Nutrients?Another extremely widespread misconception is regarding the loss of nutrients in microwaved foods. Though, indeed cooking tends to strip off the nutrients from food items, microwaving happens to be one of the more lenient cooking procedures. As it cooks food quite quickly, requiring minimal water in most cases, microwaving can better retain nutrients than other cooking, such as boiling or frying, which keeps food in contact with heat for a longer duration.And so, the microwave becomes an unlikely friend towards the preservation of vitamins and minerals in your food-so you can reap in what you have sowed.Why Microwaves Are Safe and Efficient?Other than the one myth they coined for canceling cancer, here's why microwaving your food to reheat may be better than stovetop heating:1. Efficiency: Microwaves heat faster than a stove, saving you time and energy.2. Uniform Heating: There are no hot spots or burnt edges and rear in microwave ovens.3. Nutrient Retention: As it has already been discussed above, microwaving appears to be having the potential for retention of more nutrients than the high temperature-based cooking processes.4. Safety : Unlike stovetop heating where food turns burnt or toxic products can be formed because of high heat, microwaving is safer for reheating.Of course, not all approaches to microwave application are equal. Always remember to use *microwave-safe containers*—glass or BPA-free plastic are best. Avoid using metal or non-microwave-safe plastics that could leak harmful chemicals into your food.Busting Popular Myths About MicrowavesHere are some popular myths about microwaves and the truth behind them:Myth: Microwaves make your food radioactive. Fact: No, microwaves simply make the water molecules vibrate and generate heat. It doesn't change the molecular structure of your food's molecules or make it radioactive.Myth: Heating water in a microwave changes its DNA.Fact: Water does not have DNA, nor does microwaving impact the molecular structure of water enough to kill a plant. This just another viral myth that has no scientific basis.Myth: There is some truth to the fact that microwave-reradiated food is not as good for you as stovetop-reheated food.Fact: Actually, microwave reheating can help keep the nutrients better, because the cooking is shorter and at a lower temperature than when stovetop reheating.How Microwave Myths Harm Our HealthThese myths may cause undue stress and confusion about how best to prepare your food safely. Perhaps of greater concern, though, is how myths and misinformation spread in the digital age. Questioning our habits is normal, but in something as important as health and wellness, we need to go by science-proved information only. Your microwave is not the enemy, but it is something that can help restore your hectic, fast life.The next time someone tries to tell you that heating up your food in a microwave will poison your meal, or strip out the nutrients, call their bluff. Microwaves are safe, efficient, and nutrient-friendly ways to reheat food. In fact, it may have an advantage over conventional cooking. So, have a good leftovers' meal, no worries. You are being smart and healthy!