Different kinds of foods have different effects on our bod. We are asked to eat a protein-rich diet to build muscles and strength. In the same way, as kids we are told to eat nuts and all our vegetables as they help us grow. But not all foods that we consume is good for our brain health. According to a recent study published in the Nature Metabolism, eating a lot of sugary and fatty foods, even for a short time, can mess up how your brain responds to insulin. This change in your brain can last longer than the period you were overeating, and it can happen even before you start gaining weight. This messed-up brain response is connected to gaining weight and having unhealthy fat in your body over the long term. They can also cause little clumps of protein to build up in our brains, which is something doctors see when people have Alzheimer's disease. Your diet must consist of good foods that helps your brain health instead of hurting it. Here are some foods that promote this. StrawberriesStrawberries are a great food for our brains according to the Cleveland Clinic. They have things called antioxidants that help protect our brain cells. These antioxidants help keep our brains from getting damaged by things called oxidative stress. Eating strawberries can help us remember things better and focus more easily. You can find strawberries in stores most of the time, so they're easy to add to your diet. Experts suggests eating berries a couple of times a week. They are a delicious way to take care of your brain.Black BeansBlack beans are full of fiber, which is important for our gut health. A healthy gut helps our brain work well. When our gut is healthy, it makes things called neurotransmitters that help our brain and body talk to each other. Many people don't eat enough fiber, so black beans are a good way to get more. According to The US Department of Agriculture, J black beans can help improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and gut health, especially when eating a high fat diet. It helps keep your gut and brain healthy.Perilla OilPerilla oil is a plant-based oil that is good for your brain. It has omega-3 fatty acids, which help blood flow to your brain. This means your brain gets the oxygen and nutrients it needs to work properly. These healthy fats help protect your brain and keep it working well. They might even help your brain make new brain cells. You can find omega-3 fatty acids in other foods too, like fish. Using perilla oil in your cooking is a simple way to give your brain a boost.