SummaryWhen whole grains are processed to create refined grains like the white flour or the white rice, the bran and germ are removed. It only leaves the endosperm behind. This process then strips away much of the fiber, protein, and all other essential nutrients, that then results into a softer texture and milder flavor.
SummaryThis is not the first time government got involved in deciding what one can or cannot eat. This time, it is to promote a healthier diet and saying no to junk foods for kids to combat the growing issue of child obesity in the country. Read on to know more about it.
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Three 'Simple Drink Swaps' Are Your Natural Prescription For A Sharp Memory
SummarySwapping alcohol, soda, and sugary coffee drinks for healthier alternatives like green tea, organic black coffee, and sparkling water with lemon can improve memory, reduce inflammation, and support long-term brain health.
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This Fruit Is More Effective In Keeping You Alert As Compared To Coffee