
Updated Jan 20, 2025 | 06:05 PM IST

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You Will Be Surprised To Know The Most Contagious STD In The World; Signs To Watch

SummarySTDs and STIs are a big issue especially for people who do not take protection seriously. Many people think that using condoms or any other such products are only necessary to avoid pregnancies, but it helps you with so much more than that. Keep yourself safe from this infectious STD and avoid these common 8 ones.

STDs are the poor consequences of bad protection during intercourse. People often avoid or forget about protection because they are under the belief that it is only needed to avoid unwanted pregnancies and even then, they use the excuse that contraception fails sometimes. While that is true, they do not give a 100% guarantee of safeguarding you, 95% or 97% are better odds than zero. These contraceptives will not only keep you safe from conceiving a child but also keep you safe from contracting STDs/ STIs. These are some important lessons that you must learn in schools and should be an open dialogue to safeguard curious teens and young adults from making any mistakes.

While you may have heard of these diseases, you may not know how significantly it can affect your life if you contract it. Herpes is one of the most contagious and costly STD you can contract. According to Microbial Cell study, Herpes Simplex Virus-2 is the leading cause of sexually transmitted infections that can come back again and again, throughout your lifetime!

What Are STDs?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases are highly infectious diseases or conditions that can be transferred from sexual contact with a person who may have it. These could be oral or sexual acts, and these infections are highly contagious. One of the most common symptoms of burning itching or some type of discharge from your genital area. According to Cleveland clinic more than 25 million STIs occur each year in the US and around the world the number is 374 million! With 2.5 million cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis in the U.S. in 2021 according to Center of Disease Control and the age is even more shocking as the common occurring cases happen during the age of 15 to 24. Here are some common ones you should know about.

HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

Almost everyone sexually active gets HPV. It's spread through sex or skin contact. Most types are harmless and go away, but some cause warts or cancer. A vaccine (Gardasil-9) protects against nine high-risk types. It's recommended for ages 11-26, and available for some up to 45. Pap smears detect HPV-related cervical changes. Some signs of it are genital warts, common, planter and flat warts that have a distinctive look to them and can be painful.


Chlamydia is a common bacterial STI spread through sex. Many have no symptoms, but some experience discharge or painful urination. It's treated with antibiotics, and retesting is important. Some signs of it are white, yellow or gray discharge, bleeding apart from your periods, increased need to pee and burning sensation when you do etc.


Gonorrhea is another bacterial STI with similar symptoms to chlamydia: discharge and painful urination. Most men have symptoms, but most women don't. It's easily treated with antibiotics. Some signs of it are painful urination, pus-like discharge from penis, swelling in one testicle for men and for women, it could be increased vaginal discharge, painful urination abdominal or pelvic pain.


Syphilis is a staged infection. It starts with a sore, then a rash, and can later cause serious organ and nerve damage if untreated. It's treated with antibiotics, and early treatment is key. Signs include hair loss, muscle ache, fever, sore throat, weight loss, etc.


Herpes is spread through skin contact and causes painful blisters, though some have no symptoms. It's very contagious, even without visible blisters. There's no cure, but medication manages outbreaks. Signs of it are sores and irritation in some areas that the infected organ had touched, whether buttocks, thighs and

Trichomoniasis ("Trich")

Trich is caused by a parasite and is more common in women. Many have no symptoms, but some experience itching, burning, or unusual discharge. It's treated with antibiotics, and retesting is important. Signs include a lot vaginal discharge, often foul-smelling, genital redness, pain with urination and discomfort over stomach area.


HIV attacks the immune system and is spread through specific body fluids, usually during unprotected sex or sharing needles. Early symptoms can be flu-like. Testing is essential for diagnosis. While there's no cure, medication helps people with HIV live long lives. Signs include fever and muscle pain, headache, sore throat, night sweats, mouth sores etc.

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