Esophageal cancer

Updated Nov 2, 2024 | 08:00 PM IST

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Why India’s Fourth Most Common Cancer Is A Growing Concern

SummaryEsophageal cancer is one of the most common and prevalent in India. Tobacco use, which includes both smoking and chewing it, is a vital risk factor.

Esophageal cancer, which affects the oesophagus, is one of the most common types of cancer in India and has grown to be a major health issue. Owing to its high frequency, it is the fourth most common occurring cause of cancer-related deaths amongst the Indian population. In order to adequately address this health crisis, we require an understanding of the risk factors, symptoms, and feasible forms of treatments.

Factors of Risk and Prevalence

Given it is caused due to a blend of various environmental factors, lifestyle choices and dietary habits, Esophageal cancer is one of the most common and prevalent in India. Tobacco use, which includes both smoking and chewing it, is a vital risk factor.

Furthermore, there is evidence relating to poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, and specific dietary behaviours, such as drinking hot beverages and eating certain pickled foods.

Esophageal cancer is more common in some regions, particularly the north, where areca nut use and poor dental hygiene are common. It can also be exacerbated by achalasia and other conditions such as gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The Symptoms and Diagnosis

It is challenging to detect esophageal cancer early since symptoms usually show up later in the course of the disease. Patients may have dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, chest pain, recurring heartburn, and unintentional weight loss. Due to the ambiguity of these symptoms, many patients may delay seeking medical attention, which could lead to a more advanced state upon diagnosis.

Imaging investigations, endoscopy, and biopsy are typically needed to diagnose esophageal cancer. These techniques facilitates doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment course by finding out the location and size of the cancer involved.

Treatment Options

Various factors, including the stage of the disease, the kind as well as the patient's general state of being, determine the treatment of esophageal cancer. While common treatment alternatives include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, in some cases, specific targeted medicines and immunotherapies can be deployed to ensure better results of the treatment process.

The prognosis for esophageal cancer remains, unfortunately, minimal, owing mostly to a diagnosis that is performed in the later stage. This is regardless of the advancements in the medical technology as well as able access of treatments. As a consequence of such factors, activities that raise public health awareness of the symptoms and risk factors of this disease are critical.

Despite the gravity of esophageal cancer as a public health concern in India, it can be minimised and survival rates increased by encouraging healthier lifestyle choices, improving access to healthcare, and raising awareness.

Nonetheless, early detection and care are critical for managing this dangerous condition, emphasising the need for increased research and public awareness initiatives.

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