‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’-fame actress and TV personality Hina Khan, who is fighting stage-three breast cancer, disclosed recently that she received a mucositis diagnosis. She was diagnosed with cancer six years ago and had announced this through an Instagram post in June 2018.Hina Khan, who became a household name after her appearance as Akshara in the daily soap, posted a health update on Instagram on Saturday."Mucositis is another side effect of chemotherapy," it stated. “Despite this, I am treating it as prescribed by the doctor. If any of you have experienced it or know of any effective solutions. Kindly make recommendations. It is quite difficult to be without food. It will be really beneficial to me." View this post on Instagram A post shared by 𝑯𝒊𝒏𝒂 𝑲𝒉𝒂𝒏 (@realhinakhan)]]>What is Chemotherapy?Chemotherapy is a kind of cancer treatment that stops cancer cells from growing and dividing or kills them with strong medications. It can be applied to various ailments such as autoimmune illnesses, but it is one of the most popular treatments for cancer.Drugs used in chemotherapy act on rapidly dividing cells, which is a feature of cancer cells. Chemotherapy tries to either kill or stop the spread of cancer cells because of their rapid growth and multiplication. Chemotherapy can, however, also have adverse effects on healthy cells that divide quickly, including those in the skin, hair, bone marrow, and digestive system.What Are Chemotherapy’s Side Effects?However, because these medications circulate throughout the body, they may also have an impact on rapidly proliferating normal, healthy cells.Side effects result when healthy cells are damaged. Although side effects from cancer therapy are not often as severe as one may anticipate, it is fair to be concerned about them. The normal cells that chemotherapy is most likely to harm are bone marrow cells that produce blood, follicles of hair and oral, gastrointestinal and reproductive system cells. Certain chemotherapy medications can harm cells in the nervous system, kidneys, bladder, heart, and lungs.In certain cases, taking medication together with chemotherapy can help shield your body's healthy cells. Additionally, there are therapies to help with side effect relief.What is Mucositis?The mucosa, or mucous membranes lining your mouth and entire gastrointestinal tract, becomes inflamed when you have mucositis. It is a typical side effect of chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer. Although mucositis is transient and self-healing, there are hazards involved and it can be uncomfortable. To manage it, self-care and medical attention are needed.Any cell that divides quickly will be attacked by cancer treatment therapies. Unfortunately, since these therapies are unable to distinguish between the two, that includes any mucosa in the vicinity. Your whole gastrointestinal tract—which includes your mouth, throat, oesophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines—is lined with mucous membranes.