Whether they’re small paper cuts or deep scrapes across your knee, leaving a wound untreated can lead to a lot of pain later on if it gets infected. Traditionally in India, we used to turn to natural ingredients like haldi for treating these wounds. However, nowadays, you might be more inclined to look to modern medicine for a cure. Here are some of the best antiseptics recommended by experts for open wounds. Can Antiseptics Be Used On An Open Wound?When it comes to manufactured creams, however, you need to be wary of what you use on an open wound, as there are some ingredients that could be potentially harmful. Although the FDA has a list of these antiseptic ingredients available publicly, there’s only one of them that is actively being used in antiseptic cream today: triclosan. When these creams are used repeatedly, it could possibly annihilate healthy cells and actually slow your healing process. Do also bear in mind that if the wound is too severe, like in the case of burns or quarter-inch-deep wounds, it’s better to go to a medical professional. What Are The Best Over-The-Counter Antiseptics For Open Wounds?Biguanides: These are antiseptics that have been in use for over 30 years, primarily including chlorhexidine. They can specifically be used for treating mouth or skin infections and sore throats. In general, these can be in the form of mouthwash, skin cream, or a lozengePeroxides: These antiseptics are much less potent, with some like hydrogen peroxide being used to prevent infections that are less severe. Some people also use them to rinse their mouths, while dealing with sores in the case of a mouth infectionIodine: This bears a reputation as one of the most effective antiseptics when it comes to reducing the risk of infection. It’s incredibly effective at disinfecting most wounds and specialises in antimicrobial cleansing. These antiseptics have specifically been approved by the Food and Drug Administration of America and are specifically designed to disinfect the skin, which is why they are more appropriate and have less risk associated with them.