Image Credit: Health and me
Periodically battling insomnia has deepened my empathy for clients facing similar struggles. Interplay with personal experience, I am always on the lookout for new strategies to help my clients sleep better and have good nights.
Sleep is a luxury in the fast world we are living in. For many people, the time before drifting off to sleep becomes a mental arena of racing thoughts and worry. Overthinking at bedtime not only delays sleep but can also lead to long-term insomnia. However, a simple and innovative method called cognitive shuffling may be the solution you’re looking for. Let’s explore how this technique works and how it can transform your bedtime routine.
One of the common problems that people with stress, anxiety, or depression experience is overthinking before bed. As the day winds down, the distractions that kept our worries at bay fade, leaving room for intrusive thoughts to take over. According to experts, this mental chatter often exacerbates insomnia and makes restful sleep seem unattainable.
Other distractions resorted to are social media scrolling or binge-watching TV series, which might interrupt the sleeping cycle of the body. Cognitive shuffling, therefore, is a better and more structured way to quiet the mind in preparation for sleep. It prevents your brain from following the upsetting trains of thought that build up to anxiety and guides it toward relaxing and getting to sleep.
Cognitive shuffling is a mental exercise that keeps your brain lightly engaged with random, unrelated thoughts. The idea is to keep your mind occupied enough to distract it from racing thoughts without overstimulating it. Unlike problem-solving or planning, this technique disrupts the processes that fuel overthinking, such as memory recall and evaluation.
It quickly came to attention within social media pages such as TikTok, whose users claimed to have an uncanny ability to make thoughts "scramble" so much so that it's nearly impossible to concentrate on your mind's worries. The activity supports randomness and creativity but in return, disallows your thoughts to fall deeper into anxiety and stress.
The science of cognitive shuffling is explained through the fact that it creates a light cognitive load. Focus on simple, unrelated words or images guides the brain into relaxing in a relaxed manner. This method does not allow the brain to get deeper into complicated emotional thought patterns that hinder sleep.
For example, as you mentally shuffle through random words, the brain's tendency to connect ideas is interrupted. This shift moves you away from high alertness and closer to a dreamy, drowsy state where sleep comes more naturally.
Implementing cognitive shuffling is straightforward and requires no special tools. Here's a step-by-step guide to get started:
1. Select a Word: Use a neutral word, such as "bedtime." This will be your anchor for the exercise.
2. Disassemble the Word: Focus on the first letter of your selected word, such as "B" in "bedtime." Think of a word beginning with that letter, like "broom." Imagine it clearly in your mind.
3. Repeat With Other Letters: Go to the next letter ("E") and think of another word, such as "elephant." Continue this process for each letter in your chosen word.
4. Visualize and Breathe: As you think of each word, pair it with your breathing. Inhale while choosing the word, and exhale as you visualize it. This added focus on breathing helps calm your body.
5. Recognize Distractions: If thoughts interrupt, acknowledge them without judgment and refocus the mind back on the exercise.
6. Repeat Until Sleep Sets In: Continue to shuffle through words and letters as you please until you fall asleep.
Cognitive shuffling is easy; however, it requires some practice to master. A few tips that can make it even better:
Regular practice of cognitive shuffling doesn't just help you fall asleep faster; it can also improve the overall quality of your sleep. Nighttime anxiety that ranges from mild to full-scale racing thoughts is reduced through effective cognitive shuffling, which may bring a wake-up time down.
This technique may also be a useful tool in managing stress and intrusive thoughts during the day. Incorporating cognitive shuffling into your mental health toolkit can help build resilience against the daily stressors that often disrupt sleep.
It doesn't have to be a nightly nightmare. Cognitive shuffling is simple, effective and drug-free to calm your racing mind and create a peaceful pathway to sleep. Eliminate the noise and enjoy a quieter, restful night's sleep as you swap the constant stream of thoughts to random words that don't seem related in any way.
If you are ready to reclaim your sleep, try cognitive shuffling tonight. With practice, you may discover that this somewhat unorthodox but very powerful approach is the magic bullet that stops your thoughts from running amok and lets your body and mind get the rest they need.
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