National Vaccination Day: Why Should You Stick To Your Vaccination Schedule?

Credit: Canva


Updated Mar 16, 2025 | 01:13 PM IST

National Vaccination Day: Why Should You Stick To Your Vaccination Schedule?

SummaryThis day is marked to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of frontline healthcare workers and to ensure the vaccination of every child.

Vaccination is the key process for building resistance against any disease in the body through a vaccine. It stimulates the body's immune system to protect against subsequent infection or disease and prevent it from further growing or hampering the cells. Data from the World Health Organisation (WHO) shows that immunisation saves millions of lives every year. Regardless, a major section of this society is still not aware of the importance of vaccination, therefore, Government of India observes March 16 as National Vaccination Day.

Another reason that it is observed is to annually commemorate the successful launch of the Pulse Polio Immunization Programme in India. It was in 1995 when the first dose of oral polio vaccination was administered in India on the same date. Since then, the day has been observed in honour of the government's Pulse Polio Programme, which managed to eradicate polio from the country. For those unaware, on March 27, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) proclaimed India polio-free.

Significance Of This Day

This day is marked to acknowledge and appreciate the hard work of frontline healthcare workers and to ensure the vaccination of every child. The goal is to save individuals from vaccine-preventable diseases like Tuberculosis, chicken pox, flu, influenza, HPV and more. Besides this, National Vaccination Day also aims at:

  • Addressing myths and misconceptions about various vaccines.
  • Strengthening the government’s initiatives to irradicate vaccine-preventable diseases.
  • Raising awareness among the unprivileged or remote sections of society about the government schemes and the importance of vaccines.
  • And promoting commitment to timely vaccination.

Why Does Sticking To Vaccination Schedules Matter For All Age Groups?

Once a vaccine is administered, it becomes crucial to adhere to the recommended vaccination schedules. This not only ensures complete protection but also supports cost-effective child survival interventions. Vaccines are carefully designed for babies, children, and adults based on the body’s intake capacity at different stages of life. These schedules define specific time frames and the number of doses required for various vaccines, ensuring the development of an optimal protective shield against diseases. Moreover, vaccinations are also customised depending on individual health conditions.

According to the official National Immunization Schedule, babies who are just weeks or months old are given the following vaccines in specific doses:

  • Vitamin A: 1 ml dose at 9 months, administered alongside the measles and rubella vaccine.
  • DPT Booster-1: 0.5 ml dose between 16–24 months.
  • Measles/MR 2nd Dose: 0.5 ml dose at 16–24 months.
  • BCG, Hepatitis B1, OPV: Administered at birth, then again at 10 weeks, 14 weeks, 6 months, and 7 months.
Vaccines for Children in Their Tweens and Teens

As children grow older, they require additional boosters and vaccines. According to a report by the National Health Mission under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (Government of India), the schedule includes:

-MMR: Administered in three doses at 9–12 months, 15–18 months, and 4–6 years.

-DPT: 2nd booster dose at 5 years.

-Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV): 6th dose at 15–18 months and 7th dose at 5 years.

-TT (Tetanus Toxoid): 3rd booster dose at 10 years.

-Hepatitis B: A booster dose at 10 years.

Essential Vaccines For Adults

Vaccination is not just for children. Adults also need specific immunizations to maintain health and prevent infections. These include:

- Influenza: An annual dose is recommended for individuals aged 19 to 26 years.

- Tdap or Td: One dose of Tdap during each pregnancy and a dose of Td/Tdap for wound management.

Newer Vaccines For Emerging Diseases

In recent years, several new vaccines have been developed to combat emerging diseases. One such example is Covishield, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was widely administered to fight against one of the deadliest viruses in recent history.

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Is The Bump In Your Ear A Boil? Here Are Symptoms That Help You Identify It

Credit: Canva


Updated Mar 18, 2025 | 01:00 AM IST

Is The Bump In Your Ear A Boil? Here Are Symptoms That Help You Identify It

SummaryIf you notice a bump in or around your ear, it's likely to be either a pimple or a boil. It can be both uncomfortable and cosmetically unpleasant and may require special care.

Boils that form in or around the ear can be painful and irritating, and knowing how to handle them is key to preventing complications. Experts warn that you should never try to pick, pop, puncture, or cut open an ear boil, as doing so may spread the bacterial infection and lead to further issues, including more boils.

If you notice a bump in or around your ear, it's likely to be either a pimple or a boil. While both can be uncomfortable and cosmetically unpleasant, boils require special care. Understanding how to recognize, treat, and prevent them is essential for ear health.

How To Identify An Ear Boil

A boil typically presents as a painful, red, and hard lump on the skin. These tend to appear in areas with hair and sweat—yes, that includes your ear canal, which has fine hairs that, along with earwax, help trap dirt and debris.

Because it’s hard to see inside your ear, it may be difficult to distinguish a boil from a pimple. However, a boil will generally grow larger than a pea and become soft or "fluctuant," meaning it contains fluid inside. If you or someone else can safely examine the bump, look for signs like swelling, pinkish-red skin, and a white or yellow centre. Boils in the ear may also cause pain in the ear, jaw, or head, and might even affect hearing if they block the ear canal.

Safe Treatment At Home

In some cases, ear boils will heal without medical intervention. To help them drain naturally, keep the area clean, apply warm compresses several times a day, and avoid touching or squeezing the boil. If using a compress inside the ear, ensure it’s made from clean medical cloth and isn’t overly wet, as excess moisture could cause a swimmer's ear.

What Causes Ear Boils?

Boils form due to bacterial infections, usually from Staphylococcus aureus, that develop in hair follicles. The infection results in a buildup of pus and dead tissue, which forms a visible bump. They’re more common in areas with hair and frequent sweating, like the armpits, face, neck, inner thighs, and buttocks. To prevent ear boils, gently clean your ears during showers and avoid harsh or invasive cleaning tools.

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When To See A Doctor

If the boil doesn’t resolve on its own within two weeks, it’s time to seek medical care. A doctor may need to perform a minor surgical procedure to drain the pus by making a small incision. Antibiotics may also be prescribed to clear the infection.

You should seek professional treatment if:

- The boil keeps coming back

- It persists beyond two weeks

- You develop a fever or nausea

- The pain becomes severe

Avoid using tweezers, fingers, cotton swabs, or any tools to try and examine or remove the boil yourself, as the ear canal is highly sensitive and prone to further infection from scratches or irritation.

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Color Blindness Also Impacts Children-Here's How To Identify It

Credit: Canva

Updated Mar 17, 2025 | 09:00 PM IST

Color Blindness Also Impacts Children-Here's How To Identify It

SummaryExperts emphasise the importance of early detection, especially since colour blindness is inherited and is far more common among boys than girls.

Colour blindness, or colour vision deficiency, is a condition where a person has difficulty perceiving colours accurately. While often associated with adults, colour blindness can also affect children—sometimes without them even realising it. Experts emphasise the importance of early detection, especially since colour blindness is inherited and is far more common among boys than girls. Because children may not be aware that they see colours differently, recognising the signs early can play a key role in helping them adapt and thrive both academically and socially.

What Causes Colour Blindness?

Also known as colour vision deficiency, this condition is most often inherited and typically passed down through genes on the X chromosome. However, it is not always something you're born with—it can also develop later in life due to certain eye or brain injuries, specific medical conditions, or even as a side effect of some medications.

What Are The Early Indicators Of Colour Blindness?

Children with this condition often show difficulty in identifying or distinguishing colours. This often becomes evident during preschool or early school years when children begin learning about colours. They may confuse red with green or blue with yellow and may repeatedly mislabel colours even after correction.

Abnormal patterns of colouring during activities like drawing or painting may also suggest colour blindness. For example, a child might colour the sky pink instead of blue or use orange for leaves. While occasional mistakes are normal, consistent errors could point to an underlying issue in colour perception.

Another significant identifier is the trouble engaging with colour-based study materials. Many classroom exercises rely heavily on colours—such as sorting games, charts, and even instructions using coloured markers. A colour blind child might struggle with these tasks, which can lead to frustration and difficulty keeping up with peers.

A Colourblind Child May Not Be Able To Identify Bright Light

Light sensitivity is also an important indicator. A child might be able to distinguish colours under bright lighting but struggle to do so in dim light or when colours appear against similar backgrounds. This inconsistency can further complicate their ability to navigate learning environments and daily life.

Is There A Cure?

While there is no cause for this condition, there are several strategies and equipment that can help children manage the condition effectively. Specially designed glasses and contact lenses may improve colour perception in some types of colour blindness. Additionally, digital tools and mobile apps can assist by recognising colours and offering alternative cues.

Educational adaptations can also make a difference. Parents and teachers can support learning by using patterns, symbols, or labels along with colour-coded materials. Maintaining proper lighting can further enhance contrast and make colour identification easier.

Experts also recommend teaching children to rely on alternative strategies for identifying colours—such as using brightness levels or object positions rather than hue. These coping mechanisms can boost their confidence and reduce confusion in everyday activities.

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Does Cannabis Really Help You Sleep? Experts Say It Is Complicated

Credit: Canva

Updated Mar 17, 2025 | 08:00 PM IST

Does Cannabis Really Help You Sleep? Experts Say It Is Complicated

SummaryAccording to experts, while going high on THC may lead you to fall asleep quickly, it can affect different stages of your sleep.

Many people turn to cannabis to unwind, ease anxiety, or soothe pain, but not all cannabis products affect the body the same way—especially when it comes to sleep. Cannabis-derived products Cannabidiol (CBD) is often the go-to for those seeking relaxation without the high, while tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) delivers the psychoactive effects. Now, there is an ongoing debate on whether THC is helpful or detrimental to sleep.

How Does It Impact Sleep?

According to experts, while going high on THC may lead you to fall asleep quickly, it can affect different stages of your sleep because it interacts with receptors in your brain. "While THC initially decreases sleep onset time by interacting with cannabinoid receptors and modulating neurotransmitter systems, it significantly alters normal sleep architecture — typically increasing deep sleep while suppressing crucial REM sleep," said Dr Jason Singh, Chief Medical Officer at One Oak Medical Group. He also noted that THC can impact sleep patterns differently in the long term.

Sleep Foundation says 70% of young adults use cannabis recreationally to improve their sleep, and 85% of medical marijuana users claim it helps because it relieves pain. Singh said his patients agree, but there is a catch. He underscored that although all his patients report subjective improvements in sleep quality, objective measurements do reveal more fragmented sleep patterns.

Falling asleep in a high state may increase non-REM sleep, which might make you feel well-rested. However, it also reduces the time spent in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep—the stage associated with dreaming, emotional processing, and memory improvement. According to the Sleep Foundation, adults need about two hours of REM sleep each night.

Singh added, “With regular use, tolerance develops as CB1 receptors downregulate in the brain and this diminishes cannabis's sleep-inducing effects over time. When use stops, withdrawal commonly causes REM rebound and insomnia.”

Long-Term Effects On Brain

Although people with chronic pain may notice better sleep while using cannabis, experts often advise against its use as the sole sleep aid. "I usually tell my patients that while cannabis may temporarily improve sleep initiation, its disruption of normal sleep cycling long-term is not helpful for sleep quality,' Dr Singh said. The Sleep Foundation also recommends that children and adolescents avoid cannabis for sleep due to its effects on brain development.

Over time, long-term cannabis use may alter the structure and function of the brain. A 2018 review in The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that heavy cannabis use can impair thinking and memory for at least a week after use. Brain imaging studies have shown smaller brain regions involved in memory, learning, and emotional regulation in cannabis users.

Regular users who stop may experience withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, low mood, appetite changes, and sleep issues. However, according to a 2017 review in Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, brain receptors begin recovering within two days and may return to normal in about four weeks.

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