Men's Health

Men's Health (Credit: Canva)

Updated Nov 13, 2024 | 02:28 PM IST

Men's Health: What Is Bulking? How To Do It Properly?

SummaryIn simple words, bulking refers to taking in more calories than you need per day so that those excess calories go on to build muscles. But what is the right way to do it?

Bulking is one of the most reliable methods that lifters can use for muscle mass. When considering how to bulk up properly, it's important to recognize the bigger picture. Far too often, lifters rush into the process of bulking up without enough context.

What Is Bulking?

In simple words, bulking refers to taking in more calories than you need per day so that those excess calories go on to build muscles. It is all about calorie math. If your calories consumed each day are equal to or less than the number of calories that you burn per day, your body just doesn’t have the fuel to build much muscle. It will then use what it has to survive. However, if you’re in a caloric surplus, meaning you are consuming more daily calories than you’re burning, then you have calories left over after each training session to build, repair, build. This results in bulking.

How Can You Bulk Up?

The first thing you need to consider is how much do you need to bulk up. How much muscle mass do you want to gain? How much do you want to gain? What ratio of muscle-to-fat gain is acceptable to you?

Moreover, it is important to note that nutrition on its own won't end in muscle mass. You also have to perform the right kind of exercise. Health experts recommend that heavy strength training combined with traditional bodybuilding workouts make up the majority of your training, with high-intensity interval training to help lower the amount of weight you gain from fat while bulking.

Post-Workout Care: Does Sauna Help?

After a sweaty workout, many athletes and fitness enthusiasts focus on recovery routines that include stretching, foam rolling, or using specialized devices. However, one underrated yet highly beneficial method for recovery is stepping into a steamy sauna. Using a sauna post-workout can help your muscles relax and extend the benefits of your exercise routine in several remarkable ways.

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