Recently the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed to discontinue a popular over-the-counter decongestant because of its ineffectiveness. There are many over-the-counter remedies for common cold but not all are effective, in fact, some could also be risky. We are talking about phenylephrine, which the FDA had proposed to remove from being sold as it is not effective when taken orally. While there are other herbal options too, but their effectiveness is also questionable.
So when it comes to cough, nasal blockages, and sinus issues what works? Well, there is a low-risk, cheaper treatment - the nasal irrigation device.
It is a container that holds saline solution which rises the nasal passages. There are various kinds of nasal irrigation devices, some of which are neti pots, that clears the passage with saltwater. Then there are squeeze bottles that can push water through the nose. Bulb syringes are also effective in the case, and now we also have battery-operated pulsed water devices for the same!
It is a practice of rinsing the nasal passages with saline water to remove debris and mucus. It also hydrates the nasal passages and reduce swelling from common cold. It is also one of the best-studied, non-pharmaceutical treatments for nasal symptoms, including respiratory infections and even allergies.
In fact, it is also recommended by the American Academy of Otolaryngology as a safer treatment for sinus health.
Get yourself a neti pot or a squeeze bottle and use distilled or boiled and then cooled water, baking soda and salt. Fun fact: the term neti pot, comes from Sanskrit "neti", which means nasal cleansing. Mix it all, and create a saltwater solution. You can mix about 3 teaspoons of non-iodinated salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda and then mix it together. Then take 1 teaspoon of this mixture in 1 cup of water and mix it. Now go and stand over a sink, tilt your head to the side and pour the solution from the neti pot or the squeeze bottle into your upper nostril.
Now breathe, and maintain your calm. At first it may seem difficult, especially when the saltwater solution fills your nasal passages and sinuses. However, soon it will cross behind the nasal septum and exit from your lower nostril into the sink. You can also repeat on the opposite side. Once done, blow your nose to clear any extra mucus or saltwater remaining in your passage.
When you have a cold, the mucus-producing cells in your sinuses can do a lot more work than needed, which clogs your nasal passage. It also reduces the functions of the hairlike cells known as cilia. These cells beat rhythmically and clears harmful cold viruses. Nasal irrigation in this case dissolves the bonds between mucus molecules and thus leads to a clear passage and also restores cilia function.
While there is no universal recommendation on how often should you use nasal irrigation device, some studies tested that a frequency of two to four times daily is safe. However, it is commonly used to alleviate cold symptoms and sinus-like issues.
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