Vaping is a social activity which often involves a group of people sharing a vape and enjoying their time together. But vaping has become a huge issue especially for teens, causing parents to worry about tobacco intake. According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention, the usage of E-cigarette among youth in 2024 was 1.63 million students, 410,000 middle school students and 1.21 million high school students. The students who use these also understand the serious implications smoking has on them and reported that they tried to quit as well. In 2020 63.9% students who used vapes wanted to quit. There are many factors that affect this usage of tobacco among young adults and kids like how accessible the product is, the availability of flavors as well as social influences. To understand what encourages the teens to pick up this habit or quit it, a study Friends Can Help When Teens Try to Quit Vaping, Medscape 2025 looked at how high school students in Connecticut dealt with vaping. Nearly 5,000 students from eight schools answered questions online. The researchers focused on those who had tried e-cigarettes before. They wanted to know why some students stopped vaping and what helped them succeed. The survey was anonymous, meaning students' names weren't recorded. This helped them answer honestly. The goal was to find out the best ways to help teens quit vaping, as it's a growing health concern. By understanding what works and what doesn't, schools and parents can better support young people. The study was done by researchers at Yale School of Medicine. It was published in a medical journal. The researchers used a survey to collect information. However, there were some limitations. Students had to remember past events, which might not be accurate. Why Did The Students Start And Quit Vaping? Many students tried vaping only a few times and then stopped. Over half of the students who ever tried vaping didn’t continue the habit. However, a large number of students tried to quit vaping seriously. They had different reasons for wanting to stop. Many were worried about their health. Some were afraid of becoming addicted. The cost of vaping was also a concern. Athletes worried about how vaping affected their performance. Some students felt they were wasting too much time vaping. These reasons show that teens are aware of the negative effects of vaping and want to make healthier choices. When students tried to quit, some were successful, but others weren’t. About 40% of those trying to quit stopped vaping and didn’t use other tobacco. However, nearly 40% kept vaping. About 20% stopped vaping but started using other nicotine products. Having friends who supported them was a big help. Students with supportive friends were much more likely to quit successfully. On the other hand, being punished or having their vapes taken away didn’t help. In fact, it often led to students continuing to vape. This shows that support from friends is more effective than punishment. What Are Some Recommendations To Help Quit Vaping? This study shows that it's important to help teens quit vaping. Schools and doctors need to offer programs that support quitting. These programs should help teens stop using all nicotine products, not just e-cigarettes. Encouraging friends to support each other is also important. Punishing students for vaping doesn’t work. Instead, focusing on positive support and education is more effective. Doctors and schools should work together to create programs that address the reasons why teens start vaping and help them quit successfully. Helping teens quit vaping can improve their health and prevent future problems.