Between long hours spent at desks, endless scrolling on screens, and the convenience of fast food, our physical activity levels have plummeted. Unfortunately, this lack of motion and bad diet choices lead to worse outcomes, even when it comes to our liver health. This is because the largest inner organ is the one which helps in the regulation of blood clotting as well as detoxifying our body. However, scientists have found that almost everyone lives with dysfunctional livers and is not aware of this risk which leads to severe diseases.
Recent statistics reveal shocking statistics, in the United States, it is estimated that more than 100 million people experience liver disease in one or more of these forms that include NAFLD and hepatitis and other types such as liver cancer. Another very disturbing study was conducted by AIIMS wherein it was found that 38% of the population of India suffers from NAFLD or fatty liver disease, with a shocking number of 35% in children, now classified as MASLD. This is a trend that calls for urgent need to be made aware and take preventive measures against it.
As its name correctly indicates, NAFLD is characterized by an inappropriate build-up of fat within the liver. Weight gain-the condition tends to accompany all the elements of metabolic risk Type 2 diabetes, for example; high blood pressure; elevated triglyceride levels; and sleep apnea-promotes MASLD. It is the use of this term instead that reflects how experts view their new entity as more importantly associated with metabolic syndrome. This condition is so important, as it predisposes patients to
liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
According to a recent interview with HuffPost by Dr. Bubu Banini, a hepatologist and assistant professor at Yale School of Medicine, emphasized in a recent interview with HuffPost, "symptoms of liver disease are often subliminal or completely missing until the damage is too much."
This "silent epidemic" of NAFLD means millions might be living with undiagnosed liver issues and risk further health problems.
Recognizing Warning Signs and Symptoms
Although early stages of liver disease are symptomless, several symptoms require immediate attention from a medical professional, including the following:
1. Bruising and Bleeding Easily
The liver produces vital proteins that are used in blood clotting. When the liver is damaged, individuals experience increased bruising and bleeding.
2. Confusion and Brain Dysfunction
Mental state changes can result due to late-stage liver failure. This condition comprises confusion and disorientation of the mental state. Hepatic encephalopathy is also referred to as a disease which is induced by a disturbed liver condition. The effect is upon the cognitive state and behavior of a person.
Jaundice is the yellowish tinge of the skin, and the eyes, happening during a condition when the bile pigment referred to as bilirubin builds up in the body. It is due to the disturbed liver function process.
4. Dark Urine
Dark urine, for example, can indicate a very serious condition of the liver if someone is well hydrated because an excess of bilirubin in the body changes urine color to oranges or ambers.
5. Ascites and Edema Because of Cirrhosis
Fluid accumulation within the cirrhotic scarring of the liver caused by swelling in the portal vein's pressure leads to edema in the legs and ascites in the abdomen.
Preventive Tips to Keep Your Liver Healthy
Healthy maintenance of the liver is essential for healthy living. There are a few very good strategies to consider in relation to the maintenance of this vital organ:
- Exercise and physical activity help one keep a healthy weight, hence avoiding the metabolic syndrome risk, which could lead to NAFLD.
- Healthy nutritious diet that contains a variety of whole foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, will have a beneficial effect on preventing liver damage. This does not mean that all kinds of processed foods and sugars need to be avoided completely but must be kept to an absolute minimum.
- Avoidance or restricting alcohol intake can limit the risk of liver disease.
- Regular follow-ups with a physician and examinations to determine the liver function will be able to determine early stages of liver disease so that timely intervention could be done.