Anxiety is a natural stress response that helps you keep organized, alert to potential dangers, and even calculate risks. However, if stress persists, it can lead to an anxiety disorder, which has a negative impact on mental health and well-being. While anxiety symptoms differ from person to person, some common indicators include a racing heart, rapid breathing, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating. You may feel "butterflies" in your stomach, whilst some may experience perspiration, panic attacks, or even the desire to use the restroom. Anxiety disorders include many ailments such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).If you are suffering from anxiety, you may want to try natural ways for symptom management. Here are five evidence-based methods for dealing with anxiety in your daily life.Staying Active Exercise can effectively reduce anxiety. According to a 2021 study, people who maintain active lifestyles have a 60% lower risk of experiencing anxiety than those who live more sedentary lives. Physical activity increases brain chemicals such as serotonin, GABA, and endocannabinoids, all of which aid in anxiety reduction. Whether you favour high-intensity sports like jogging or low-impact exercises like yoga, moving can boost your mood and reduce stress."Staying active is the key to overall good health. The benefits of exercise for mental and physical health are enormous. However, exercising does not always entail doing intense workouts. Rather, it's critical to move your body in order to maintain your health. Engaging in enjoyable activities such as dance, gardening, hiking, and so on can help enhance your mental health. Stretching for a few minutes at work can also have a significant impact on your general mental well-being," explains Jasreen Birgi, Counselling Psychologist at LISSUN, a mental healthLimiting alcohol consumption"According to the research, when the effects of alcohol wear off, one can experience increased anxiety. If your healthcare provider permits, occasionally drinking to relax isn't always harmful. However, you can develop a tolerance to the stress-relieving effects of alcohol once you start drinking. This may make managing stress and anxiety even more challenging," she explains. Alcohol usage is commonly associated with anxiety, and numerous studies have shown that excessive drinking can increase symptoms. Alcohol affects neurotransmitters in the brain, causing mood swings and maybe increased anxiety. If you consume alcohol frequently, you may experience temporary anxiety increases after quitting, but these effects usually fade over time.Reducing tobacco use"Tobacco includes stimulants as chemicals which provide a rapid energy boost. However, the effects don't last long. After a few minutes, the chemical high from cigarettes wears off," she explains. Nicotine and other substances in cigarettes can alter stress-related brain pathways, establishing a significant relationship between smoking and anxiety. If quitting seems too difficult, try minor replacements such as gum or toothpicks, and use a support network as motivation. Research shows that stopping smoking can dramatically lower anxiety. Additionally, you won't have to leave parties to smoke outside, which could make you feel more accepted at social occasions. Your health, happiness, and sense of self-worth can all be enhanced by these things. Reducing CaffeineCaffeine can trigger or worsen anxiety symptoms. According to a study, excessive coffee consumption can even lead to panic attacks in nervous people. Reduce caffeine gradually over time to avoid withdrawal symptoms, and if you're sensitive, cutting back or switching to decaf may be useful.Prioritising sleepGood sleep hygiene is essential for managing anxiety. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises adults to get at least seven hours of sleep every night, but many people get significantly less. Setting a consistent sleep pattern, avoiding screens before bedtime, and keeping your bedroom dark and comfortable can all help you sleep better.How can one maintain a quality sleep? To this, Birgi explains that to maintain a quality sleep it's important to work on your nighttime routine and sleep environment. She suggests making sure to follow the same sleep schedule every day, make sure the bedroom is a de-cluttered and clean space, and avoiding caffeine in the late evening. These small movements can bring a huge change. Practicing meditation and mindfulnessMeditation can significantly reduce anxiety by helping you to remain in the present moment. Techniques like mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) have been demonstrated to be as beneficial as certain medications. A recent clinical trial found that an eight-week mindfulness meditation practice lowered anxiety symptoms just as effectively as the antidepressant Lexapro. "There are ample websites, videos, books, etc. available to practise mindfulness. You can also use apps like LISSUN's to start your mindfulness journey," she notes.Maintaining a Balanced Diet"How we feel depends on how we eat," points out Birgi, " so we should eat the nutrient-rich food that works as a mood-booster for us like berries, bananas, whole grains, etc. "Your nutrition has a bigger impact on your mood than you may realise. Blood sugar fluctuations, dehydration, and processed foods can all contribute to anxiety. To maintain consistent energy and mood, consume a well-balanced diet rich in complex carbs, fruits, vegetables, and lean meat.Take deep breathsWhen we are anxious, our breathing becomes shallow and quick, which can lead to dizziness and panic episodes. Deep breathing exercises with calm, even breaths may help relieve symptoms and induce relaxation. This technique is simple but effective for bringing you into a stable state.Using aromatherapyAromatherapy, or plant-derived essential oils, can aid with relaxation. It also improves your mood. Popular anxiety-relieving oils include lavender, clary sage, and bergamot. These oils can be inhaled or placed in a warm bath. However, it is vital to use high-quality oils and do a patch test to rule out any possible reactions.What does the doc say about this? Birgi notes that aromatherapy is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that makes use of essential oils to improve overall health. It is a natural remedy that benefits your mind, body, and spirit as a whole. In aromatherapy, essential oils are either diluted and applied topically or inhaled. Studies have shown that essential oils increase serotonin levels that help in making one feel calm and relaxed. A few effective essential oils are: Lavender, rose, jatamansi, jasmine, etc. Drinking Chamomile TeaChamomile tea is a natural cure that relieves anxiety. A 2016 research on persons with generalized anxiety disorder discovered that long-term chamomile use dramatically reduced anxiety symptoms. Chamomile includes apigenin, a flavonoid that interacts with GABA receptors, which are important targets for anti-anxiety medicines. "Regular use of chamomile tea is safe and well-tolerated by the majority of people. However, pregnant women and individuals with a history of severe allergies may not be able to drink chamomile tea," she notes.