Quiz- brain teasers
Get ready to test your brainpower! These four brain teasers will challenge your logic, family relations, and problem-solving skills. See how many you can solve!
1) Two fathers, two sons go fishing. They each catch one fish, yet in all, only three fish are caught. How is that possible?
(Image courtesy: Freepik)
2) A man looks at a photograph and says, "Brothers and sisters, I have none. But the father of that man in the picture is my father's son." Who is the fellow in the photograph?
(Image courtesy: Freepik)
3) What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
4) I am an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What number am I? brain teasers such as these are excellent ways to challenge your brain and hone your thinking skills. How many do you think you could solve? Let us know!
1) There are only three people—grandfather, father, and son. The father is both a son and a father
2) The man in the photo is his son
3) The letter "M"
4) Seven (remove the "S" and you get "even")
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