Muscle Building

Muscle Building (Credit: Canva)

Updated Jan 6, 2025 | 08:00 PM IST

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Men Of This Body Type Can Build Muscle Faster

SummaryWhile anybody can build muscles by following the right diet and exercise routine, mesomorphs have an edge over other body types. This is because of their naturally high muscle mass.

Building muscle mass offers more than just aesthetic benefits—it can help you achieve more balance, improve blood sugar management and boost mental well-being. However, the ease of gaining muscle can vary depending on your body type. If you've struggled to bulk up despite consistent effort, then probably you are mesomorph.

Body Types

Body types, or somatotypes, are generally classified into three categories: mesomorphs, ectomorphs, and endomorphs. Mesomorphs, in particular, are known for their athletic build, with broad shoulders, narrow waists, and a natural propensity for muscle growth. According to personal trainer Phil Catudal, who spoke to a leading fitness publication, mesomorphs are easily identifiable by their proportions—if your waist and hips are about the same width, you might fall into this category.

Beyond physical appearance, mesomorphs have an edge in muscle-building due to their naturally higher muscle mass and lower fat levels. This implies that they can gain significant results from moderate workouts, making them well-suited to activities requiring strength and stamina.

What Is The Mesomorphic Advantage?

The mesomorphic advantage lies in their ability to build muscle quickly and maintain it. This is because they have a balanced composition of muscle and fat, which allows mesomorphs to achieve results with less effort than other body types. Unsurprisingly, many athletes possess mesomorphic traits. However, mesomorphs aren not immune to weight gain. While they may gain fat as easily as muscle, they can shed excess weight effectively by combining a healthy diet with exercise.

What About Ectomorphs and Endomorphs?

Ectomorphs are the body types that are characterized by their lean frames and they often struggle to gain weight. Therefore, it is tougher for them to gain muscles, despite accurate exercise and diet.

On the other hand, endomorphs tend to carry more body fat, which can obscure their muscle mass and make workouts more challenging.

However, it is not impossible to gain muscles for these two body types. Tailored workouts and diet is the answer. Ectomorphs benefit from high-calorie, nutrient-dense diets and strength training with heavier weights, as the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) advises. Endomorphs, meanwhile, may focus on calorie control, muscle-building exercises, and high-intensity cardio to improve endurance and shed fat.

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Regardless of the body type, there are a few exercises that help muscle gain. They include squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses and pull-ups.

1. Squats: A foundational exercise that targets the lower body, improving leg strength and core stability.

2. Deadlifts: A compound movement that strengthens the back, glutes, and hamstrings while enhancing overall power.

3. Bench Presses: A key upper-body exercise that builds chest, shoulder, and tricep muscles.

4. Overhead Presses: A shoulder-focused lift that also engages the core for stability and balance.

5. Pull-ups: A bodyweight exercise that develops upper-back, bicep, and grip strength.

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