How To Nail Glute Bridge For Enhanced Glute Strength And Core Stability

Credit: Canva


Updated Mar 21, 2025 | 07:00 AM IST

How To Nail Glute Bridge For Enhanced Glute Strength And Core Stability

SummaryThe glute bridge is an easy exercise which is accessible to anyone, regardless of skill level and can be performed anywhere.

Whether you're lifting heavy weights at the gym or sitting for long hours at your desk, a strong set of glutes is essential for overall health and functionality. Gluteus maximus—the largest muscle in the body—plays a crucial role in supporting your spine and assisting in movements like walking, running, and jumping. Now, when you think about this muscle, you think about complex exercises like deadlifts or kettlebell swings, however one simple yet effective move you can do anywhere is the glute bridges.

Why Should You Do Glute Bridges?

The glute bridge is an easy exercise which is accessible to anyone, regardless of skill level and can be performed anywhere. It can be done at the gym, on the floor at home, or even at the office. Fitness experts call it a versatile exercise that activates not only your glutes but also your hamstrings and core. Moreover, it is an excellent warm-up for experienced lifters before heavy training.

Which Muscles Are Targeted By This Exercise?

While this exercise primarily targets the glutes, it also engages the hamstrings and core, helping to stabilize the body and improve posture. It is pertinent to note that a strong core is pivotal to performing daily activities.

How To Perform Glute Bridges

1. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, keeping your heels close to your buttocks.

2. Squeeze your core to create tension, and think about pulling your shoulder blades down toward your hips.

3. Lift your hips toward the ceiling by squeezing your glutes and pushing through your heels. Avoid arching your lower back.

4. Hold at the top for one to two seconds, then lower your hips back down to the ground.

Your goal should be to form a straight line from your knees to shoulders, ensuring no arching in the back. Beginners may not raise their hips very high at first, but with practice, they can aim for a perfect alignment.

When And How Often Should We Do Glute Bridges

The glute bridge can be incorporated into your workout routine as a warm-up or stand-alone exercise. Beginners should aim for 3–4 sets of 10–12 reps, focusing on proper form. Advanced trainees may use the glute bridge as a warm-up for heavier exercises, doing 30-second intervals with short rests. If you spend long hours sitting, try doing a few sets throughout the day to keep your posterior muscles engaged.

Besides Glute Bridges You Can Perform These Exercises For Stronger Glutes

1. Squats: Classic and powerful, squats target your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. You can do bodyweight squats or add dumbbells/barbells for more intensity.

2. Lunges: Forward, reverse, and walking lunges are excellent for engaging the glutes while also improving balance and coordination.

3. Step-Ups: Using a bench or sturdy platform, step-ups activate the glutes, especially when you push through your heel on the working legs.

4. Deadlifts (especially Romanian or Single-Leg Deadlifts): These strengthen the glutes and hamstrings while also working your lower back and core.

5. Donkey Kicks: This bodyweight move isolates the glute muscles and is great for glute activation. You can add ankle weights or resistance bands for an extra challenge.

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Yoga Poses That Can Fix Your Kid's 'Slouched' Posture



Updated Mar 25, 2025 | 02:00 AM IST

Yoga Poses That Can Fix Your Kid's 'Slouched' Posture

SummaryHaving a slouched posture is not just about looking bad and tired, it can also make you more prone to injuries and back pain. Kids who slouch constantly need help fixing it, here are some ways you can do so.

Kids are generally not conscious of things like their posture, clothing and other habits. They have to be constantly reminded not to slouch and do things that can end up hurting them. Good posture is very important for kids, it not only allows them to look confident, but it also helps them avoid injuries, bone misalignments or any other issues.

Many things can affect their posture - injuries, weak muscles, and even their genes can play a role. But what kids do every day matters a lot as well. Sitting hunched over while playing video games, carrying a backpack that's too heavy, or getting hurt during sports can all make their posture bad. Good posture helps kids avoid pain and enjoy activities. So, it's important to help them learn good habits when they are young.

Here are some yoga poses that can help your child fix their bad posture and ensure a good foundation for them to grow.

Bridges Pose

This exercise makes the muscles in the bottom and lower back strong. Strong muscles help kids stand up straight. Have your child lie on their back with their knees bent. Then, tell them to slowly lift their bottom off the floor. Make sure they breathe in while lifting and breathe out while lowering. You can make it fun by having them count out loud or blow air while they lower their bottom. This helps them learn to control their muscles.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

This pose is like standing like a mountain, strong and tall. It teaches kids how to stand with their bodies in a good line. Start by standing with feet flat on the floor, like roots going into the ground. Feel the weight evenly spread out on both feet. Then, tighten the muscles in the legs, and make the spine grow tall, like the trunk of a tree.

Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)

This pose is like a cobra lifting its head, and it helps open the chest and make the back stronger. It's a bit harder than some other poses, so kids should be careful. To do it, start by lying on the stomach, then slowly push up with the forearms. Lift the chest off the floor, like a cobra rising up. It's important to go slowly and stop if there's any pain in the back.

Downward-Facing Dog Yoga Pose

This yoga pose helps stretch and strengthen many muscles. It helps the core, hips, and shoulders. Have your child start on their hands and knees. Then, tell them to lift their hips up and back. They should make a shape like an upside-down "V". Tell them to hold this position for a few seconds and remember to breathe normally. This pose helps them become flexible and strong.

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

When done correctly, this yoga pose can help you fix bad posture and strengthen your back and chest muscles. Imagine your body making the shape of a bow. To do this pose safely, it's important to warm up your body first. This helps prevent any injuries. Bow pose is powerful for improving posture, and helping to open up the chest and shoulders.

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AcroYoga Poses You Can Try


Updated Mar 23, 2025 | 04:00 AM IST

If You Have Aced All Yoga Poses, Here Are 5 Reasons You Should AcroYoga

SummaryYoga is great for everyone, no matter how new or experienced you are. Most yoga is done alone, but AcroYoga is different! It's yoga with a partner, and it mixes yoga with acrobatics, which is like doing fun, playful movements. It's a way to work together and trust each other while exercising.

Yoga is one of the most versatile and exercises anyone can do! Whether you just began or have been doing yoga for years, it can accommodate everyone. With years of practice and discipline many people reach advance levels of yoga, but does it end there? No! There are many more variations of yoga you can look into, one such variation is known as AcroYoga.

AcroYoga is a special kind of yoga that's different from what most people think of. Instead of doing yoga alone on a mat, AcroYoga brings people together to work as partners. It mixes the fun and exciting movements of acrobatics, with the calming and grounding exercises of yoga. This combination makes AcroYoga a very interactive and social activity. It's not just about stretching and breathing; it's also about working together and supporting each other. This unique blend makes it a fun and challenging way to exercise and connect with others.

Beginner Friendly Acro Yoga Poses To Try

AcroYoga is a great way to connect with others, build trust, and explore yoga in a new way. AcroYoga often involves three people, one who will be at the bottom and be the base, a flyer on top and a spotter to prevent any accidents. Make sure you do things with utmost safety and do not push yourself too much.

Plank on Plank

This is a great first step into AcroYoga. It teaches you how to work together with a partner and helps you build strength in your core and arms. The base gets into a regular plank position, keeping their body straight and strong. Then, the flyer carefully places their feet on the base's shoulders and uses their hands to hold onto the base's ankles or calves for balance. This pose helps you get used to the feeling of supporting and being supported by another person.

Plank Press

This pose helps the base get used to supporting someone else's weight and builds trust between partners. The base lies on their back with their feet up in the air. The flyer stands facing the base, and the base pushes their feet into the flyer's hips. Then, the base bends their knees, which helps the flyer lean forward safely. This exercise lets the base feel what it's like to hold the flyer's weight, and it lets the flyer trust the base to support them.

Folded Leaf

This pose lets the flyer experience being lifted off the ground, which helps build trust and get comfortable with the feeling. You start in the Plank Press position. Then, the flyer grabs the base's knees and lowers their upper body. The base then lifts the flyer's legs up, so the flyer is suspended in the air. The flyer keeps their hands on the base's knees for stability. This pose is a good way to get used to being lifted and trusting your partner.

Front Plank

This pose takes the Plank Press a step further, allowing the flyer to be fully lifted off the ground. You start again in the Plank Press position. This time, the flyer grabs the base's hands. The base then lifts their legs, which lifts the flyer completely off the ground. Both partners hold hands for support. The flyer needs to keep their core tight and their legs straight. This pose helps build confidence and strength.

Partner Forward Fold

This pose is a fun way for both partners to get a deep stretch in their backs and the back of their legs. The partners stand back to back and hook their elbows together. Then, they lean forward, with the base leaning more than the flyer. The base leans forward, lifting the flyer’s legs off the ground. This stretch helps to improve flexibility and coordination while working together.

Fish on a Rock

This is a relaxing pose that helps to open up the hips and back for both partners. The base gets into a Child's Pose, with their knees wide and their forehead on the ground. The flyer then lies on their back on top of the base, arching their back over the base. This pose provides a gentle stretch and helps to release tension in the spine and hips.

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Updated Mar 22, 2025 | 10:00 PM IST

You Cannot Stretch Your Way Out Of Stiff Muscles- 7 Exercises That Can Relieve Pain

SummaryExperiencing stiff muscles after a long day of work is a common among people who work desk job. But what causes this stiffness and how can you get rid of it?

Muscle pain is a very common issue among the masses. Whether it is because they have a strenuous job, or a job that requires them to work in a stationary position for long periods of time. hen one feels that tightness around their shoulders and back muscles, the immediate response is to extend your arms and stretch them. But this only provides temporary relief. For a better solution, one must understand the core issue, what is causing this stiff, and then focus on a solution for that.

What Causes Stiffness in Your Back?

Stretching your tight shoulders might give you a sense of relief temporarily, but it doesn't fix the root of the problem. According to WebMD your muscles might feel tight because they are overcompensating for other weak muscles. Simply stretching your muscles alone will not strengthen the weak muscles or correct the imbalance.

If you stretch your shoulders too aggressively, you can actually make the joint more unstable. This extra looseness can put more stress on the shoulder, leading to pain and potential injuries. Experts now understand that focusing on restoring the proper activation of your muscles and improving your posture is much more effective than just stretching. This means teaching your muscles to work together correctly and supporting the joint, rather than just pulling on it.

Exercises That Will Help You Relieve Your Muscle Stiffness

Child's Pose

You begin by getting on your hands and knees, like you're going to crawl. Then, you gently push your hips back so that your bottom rests on your heels, and you fold your upper body forward, letting your forehead rest on the floor. While you're in this position, focus on taking slow, deep breaths. This helps to release tension in your muscles and calm your mind.

Knee-to-Chest Stretch

This simple stretch is perfect for relaxing the muscles in your hips, legs, and buttocks. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Then, gently pull one knee towards your chest, using your hands to hold it in place. You should feel a gentle stretch in your lower back and hip. Hold this position for a few seconds, then slowly lower your leg and repeat the stretch with your other leg.

Piriformis Stretch

To stretch it, lie on your back with your knees bent. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, forming a figure four shape. Then, gently pull the thigh of the leg that's still bent towards your chest. You should feel a stretch in your buttock and hip. Hold the stretch, then repeat on the other side. This can relieve sciatic like pain.

Seated Spinal Twist

Begin by sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you. Bend one knee and place your foot flat on the floor outside the opposite thigh. Then, twist your upper body towards the bent knee, using your hands for support. This stretch helps to release tension in your back and improve your posture.

Pelvic Tilt

This exercise is designed to strengthen your abdominal muscles, which play a crucial role in supporting your lower back. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Gently tighten your stomach muscles and press your lower back flat against the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds, then relax.


Start on your hands and knees. As you inhale, drop your belly and lift your head and tailbone, arching your back like a cow. As you exhale, round your back like a cat, tucking your chin towards your chest. Continue this movement, flowing with your breath. This helps to increase flexibility and release tension in your spine.

Sphinx Stretch

This helps to stretch and strengthen your back, buttocks, and chest. Lie on your stomach with your elbows underneath your shoulders and your hands extended in front of you. Gently lift your head and chest, keeping your pelvis pressed into the floor. You should feel a stretch in your lower back and chest. Hold this position, breathing deeply, to release tension and improve flexibility.

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