Jul 17, 2024
Times Now Digital, TN Lifestyle DeskThis asana is a perfect amalgamation of 12 asanas which not only helps your body function properly but also keeps you fit and healthy. Incorporate 10 rounds of Surya Namaskar and witness tremendous changes yourself.
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By practising it every day, you can feel pressure on your abdominal muscles. Sit in the plank position and stretch your heels. Your thighs must feel all the pressure and holding it for long can help in reducing weight.
Credit: Freepik
By healing numerous health problems like digestion, obesity and many more, you can practice Dhanurasana. Lie on your belly and keep your arms sideways. Bend your knees and keep your chin on the floor, hold for as long as you can. You can witness better results soon after practising.
Credit: Freepik
Naukasana not only helps in reducing belly fat but improves blood circulation and digestion as well. By strengthening your abdominal muscles, lie down and move your back upwards into a V-shaped position, hold for 10 seconds and increase your holding time for better results.
Credit: Freepik
If you’re facing problems with your lower back and weight, then lie down on your abdomen and bring your legs closer. Raise your elbows and hold yourself for 5-7 minutes. Repeat regularly for better results.
Credit: Freepik
To improve digestion and strengthen thigh and abdominal muscles, stand straight with a 3-feet distance between your legs, lift your arms and move your arm towards the right foot. Practise every day for better results.
Credit: Freepik
This asana will not only strengthen your legs but will help you manage your weight as well. Purvottanasana is an upward plank pose where you’ve to sit and stretch your arms pointing your legs. Hold for 10-15 minutes every day for better results.
Credit: Freepik
This asana will help your hips, thighs, and stomach. Lie down and stretch your hands, fold your knees, and try raising your body up. Hold for some time and this exercise will soothe your thyroid gland gently.
Credit: Freepik
The warrior pose provides better results when practised regularly. Start by keeping your arms straight and knee straight above the ankle. Stretch your other limb backwards, hold for 10 minutes and practise every day for better results.
Credit: Freepik
With immense benefits, this asana is appropriate for weight loss. By balancing your thyroid levels, lie down and lift your legs up, tuck your hands behind your back and hold for 5-7 minutes. For improved results, practise it regularly.
Credit: Freepik
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