Jun 24, 2024

Times Now Digital, Sakshi Arora

​10 Vegetables You Must Avoid Eating During Summer​


Consuming garlic during summer in excessive quantities not only leads to discomfort and sweating but also increases your body temperature. To prevent acidity, it is important to reduce the consumption of garlic during peak heat months.

Credit: Freepik


It is essential to avoid cabbage during summer as it not only lacks freshness but causes digestive discomfort as well. It’s considered better to reduce the consumption of non-seasonal products.

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For promoting immense heat in your body, onions are not considered apt for summer. It is recommended to reduce the consumption of onions, especially raw onions for a bearable summer.

Credit: Freepik


From increased body heat to discomfort and dehydration, it is essential to avoid artificially grown radishes during summer. Their pungent nature can increase the risk of heartburn and acidity.

Credit: Freepik

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Considered the best option for increasing blood in the body, beetroots must be avoided during summer as they lack taste and quality. Avoid consuming artificially grown beetroots for good health.

Credit: Freepik

​Sweet Potatoes​

By generating heat and causing discomfort to the body, sweet potatoes must be avoided during summer for better health since they exhibit high thermal conductivity in the body.

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Spinach can wilt quickly during summer and increased temperature can welcome bacteria and infection in this non-seasonal vegetable. It is beneficial to avoid spinach in summer.

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It is considered important to avoid pumpkin during summer as it potentially increases the risk of digestion issues during peak months. Since pumpkin is rich in carbohydrates, it is not an ideal food for summer.

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With increased body heat and lack of quality and taste, the turnip gets heavy on the stomach during summer. Artificially grown turnips can contribute to bad health during this weather.

Credit: Freepik

​Bell Peppers​

Avoiding bell peppers during summer is recommended to reduce digestive stress on the body. Hot weather can make the digestion process slow, hence avoiding bell peppers during peak summer is considered best.

Credit: Freepik

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