Credits: Canva
David, a healthy fit man, who always observed what he ate, never smoked and drank, even socially was taken a back when the doctor told him that he will have to undergo a chemotherapy. "But chemotherapy is for people with cancer," he said. That is when he realized that a lump on his arm was more than just any lump, it was not benign. It was cancerous. He got his treatment at the Sarcoma Cancer Foundation of Canada, where his story is also featured on their website, with many other survivors. This is giving other survivors the hope that no matter how difficult it may be. They can come out of it!
John Hopkins Medicine notes that sarcomas are rare cancer that develop in the bones and soft tissues, including fat, muscles, blood vessels nerves, deep skin tissues, and fibrous tissues. As per the National Cancer Institute, about 12,000 cases of soft tissue sarcomas and 3,000 cases of bone sarcomas are diagnosed in the United States each year. Bone sarcomas are becoming more common among the children, while soft tissue sarcomas are becoming common among adults.
This happens in the soft tissues of the body, mainly in your arms, legs, chest or abdomen. David's case was also of soft tissue sarcoma. These tissue tumors can also occur in children, but are more common among adults.
They are mainly bone tumors, which means that they develop on the bones and are most commonly diagnosed among children.
Most sarcomas do not have a known cause, however, there are certain reasons that may make one prone to sarcomas. These include:
Patients who have undergone radiation therapy for previous cancers may face a higher risk of developing sarcoma.
Inherited conditions like Von Recklinghausen’s disease (neurofibromatosis), Gardner syndrome, Werner syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome, Li-Fraumeni syndrome, and retinoblastoma can increase sarcoma risk.
Exposure to substances like vinyl chloride (used in plastics), dioxin, or arsenic may raise the risk of sarcoma. However, most sarcomas are not directly linked to environmental hazards.
Long-term swelling in the arms or legs, known as lymphedema, may contribute to a higher risk of sarcoma.
The most common symptoms for bone sarcoma includes:
In soft tissue sarcoma, one of the first symptoms is a painless lump or swelling. Some sarcomas may not cause any symptoms until they grow and press on neighboring nerves, organs, or muscles.
Coming back to David, due to his treatment at the right time and right place, he was able to recover from it. Currently, he shares his story with everyone so they too can find hope for battling cancer. "I am thrilled to say that years later, I am a survivor living a happy and healthy life that I now have even more appreciation for. Surgery saved my life and my friends and family allowed me to get back to living and enjoying it," he told to Sarcoma Cancer Foundation of Cancer.
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